
Strengths-Based Leadership Handbook

Strengths-Based Leadership Handbook takes a close look at the origins of strengths-based leadership as a management discipline and at the definition of strengths-based leadership.

Introduktion til bogen

This book also provides an introduction to some of the basic research that underpins this discipline. It then guides users in becoming better at leading from the strengths-based perspective, providing concrete leadership tools. It is a hands-on positive and strengths-based approach to the day-to-day challenges that leaders encounter daily.

By Pernille Hippe Brun (Author), David Cooperrider (Author), Mikkel Ejsing (Author), Marianne Miller (Editor), Jens Hage (Illustrator)

Published in 2016

Pris pr. bog er 250,00 kr. (inkl. moms), fragt på 42 kr. (uanset antal) kommer oveni.

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Vægt: 0,7 kg

Størrelse: 23 × 19 × 2 cm

Sprog: Engelsk

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