Articles & Books

Inspiration for strategy and leadership that works...

Insights and current perspectives on strategy and leadership from our 20 years of experience challenging the capabilities of organizations and those around them.


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Samarbejdet i Storkøbing Kommune slår sprækker. Det kan og skal forbedres

Meget lokalpolitik handler om samarbejde og sund fornuft, men lokalpolitikerne er demokratisk valgt til at være uenige, og lokalpolitik handler derfor helt legitimt også om konflikt og forskelligheder.

Track & Fan: New and Promising Actions Using Spur Evaluation

It is a good idea to track and fan what works in the public sector. Then others can learn from it and get inspiration for new thinking. But we need to be as confident as possible that what we have found is having a positive effect.

Politikerforum: Christiansborg should have trust representatives to ensure proper working conditions for politicians

There are plenty of wild problems that call for political leadership, where politicians set a clear direction and point out good and creative solutions. But how do we ensure our elected politicians burn through without burning out

Dear employee: Get involved in the strategy work

Employees play a crucial and central role in strategy work at work. Their active participation and commitment is essential to ensure that the strategy not only remains on the management board, but becomes a common concern.

It's not about following up -- it's about following along!

The daily routines and urgent tasks of the operation in many places span the legs for follow-up to development measures. This means that the expected value creation is not reaped. There is always more energy at the beginning than at the end

Can we act towards greener attitudes?

Smukfest has shown the way in 2022 and is now expanding to the festival in 2023. Between tent pegs and empty cans, we can find thought and inspiration for climate action.

Are you a wild leader?

All organizations are perfectly equipped to create the results that they create today. But if we are to find solutions for tomorrow, we must therefore take a different approach.

Do you, as a top manager, stand in the way of the strategy being realized?

The Pygmalion effect or Rosenthal effect describes the psychological phenomenon that the greater the belief and positive expectations one has of a person, the better they function — the opposite is also true!

Strengthened care and presence in elderly care

Resonans has been working with the Danish Health Agency for over two years on the pool for 'strengthened care and presence in elderly care'. A number of articles have come out of this, for which the consultants from Resonance are authors.

Strategy realization takes over where implementation falls short

Strategy cannot be realized in a rigorous chronological process. The idea of the classical implementation is no longer out of date.

The many dilemmas of solar parks

Can a solar farm be more than a symbol of the commitment of rural areas to contribute to a sustainable energy transition? Can a solar farm actually add value to a local area?

Strategy realization: Power your strategy and drive momentum in 100 days

Too many strategies fail. Partly because they do not become part of the everyday life of the organization, and partly because the strategies are not strategies, but internal, abstract objectives.


We produce knowledge and inspiration that helps top managers, boards, politicians, employees and citizens to succeed better.

Private and public cases with insight into the solutions and results we have created with our customers.
If the strategy is to be realized, top management has a crucial role — but which one? In our recommendations for strategy implementation, you will get a number of concrete advice on how to do it in practice.
Get an insight into how top managers in some of Denmark's leading organisations operate on a day-to-day basis with their strategy.