Track & Fan
Uplifting stories about the public sector
We are a number of actors who have launched this initiative to create a counterbalance to the unbalanced focus on errors and shortcomings in the public sector. On this page, you can read more about the initiative and the proponents, as well as find links and instructions on how to contribute a narrative of how difficult challenges have been handled, effectively and passionately addressed in a segment of the public sector or in a public partnership with other stakeholders."

Café Ingeborg har eksisteret siden 2011 og har siden opstart arbejdet for at sikre meningsfuld beskæftigelse for mennesker med særlige behov ved at løse reelle og betydningsfulde opgaver for hele Ringsted Kommune.

It is a good idea to find and enlarge what works inthe public sector. Then others can learn from it and get inspiration for new thinking. But we need to be as confident as possible that what we have found is having a positive effect.

In Hørsholm Municipality, children's yoga in the day offers has taken its place as a regular activity for children aged 0-6 years. Children's yoga has not only become an enriching part of children's everyday lives, but has also been shown to have significant effects.

What is new is that the cars have been equipped with laboratory equipment so that the staff can come out to the sub-acute citizens to investigate whether the citizen should be admitted to a hospital, admitted to his own home, or need to go to a relief site.

In Odense Municipality, they have succeeded in getting many employees to move up on time. This has led to a significant increase in the number of annual jobs and the total number of full-time employees has increased.

Many people with dementia find it difficult to keep track of their circadian rhythm. They are often interrupted in their sleep, get up at night, and think that it is tomorrow/day. It results in a poor quality of sleep, which affects the individual's well-being.

A case about Aarhus Municipality's work with “Wicked Problems” as the overall approach to tackling the problems that we cannot solve alone as a municipality. Wild problems call for wild roads to push the challenges — and it can hardly get wild enough!

The aim is to achieve a green energy system that utilizes resources across sectors to achieve a fossil-free industry and heat supply in Frederikssund Municipality.
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