
Take part in our forums, networks and movements

By mobilising people across sectors, we breathe life into collective action, enabling new collaborations and partnerships in a rich mix of skills and perspectives to emerge. Our welfare society and many of our businesses and organisations are under pressure and we urgently need to rethink the way we have arranged ourselves together.

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Our current activities

There has never been a greater need than now to rethink and create new pathways to achievement and well-being, ensuring cohesion at local, municipal, regional and national levels. We are passionate about challenging habitual thinking together with ambitious and driven employees, managers and citizens of municipalities, regions, associations, companies of voluntary actors.

Fremtidens arbejdskraft
Netværk for offentlige organisationer. Resonans og Rambøll Management Consulting har taget initiativ til et tværgående netværk om arbejdskraftudfordringen, som led i konsulentvirksomhedernes strategiske fokus på komplekse samfundsudfordringer.
Find & Forstør-bevægelsen
Læs positive fortællinger om den offentlige sektor. Vi er en række aktører, som har sat dette initiativ i søen for at skabe en modvægt til det ubalancerede fokus på fejl og mangler i den offentlige sektor.
Politikerforum samler folkevalgte på tværs af kommuner, regioner, Folketing og Europa-Parlament omkring centrale tværgående temaer.

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