Mikkel Ejsing
Partner, Resonans A/S

Corona crisis paves the way for new forms of cooperation and renewed leadership

The learning curve is steep for everyone these weeks. Both employees and managers make an incredible effort and take huge responsibility. In the public sector, there is a struggle to save lives and keep the vital functions of the welfare society going. In the private sector, there is a fight for the survival and future of companies.

The leaders with whom my colleagues and I speak these days talk about both positive and negative aspects of the corona crisis. Above all, they are on a learning journey which will mark their leadership for years to come. Probably, it leaves lasting traces in both the individual manager and in the entire company's approach to management and organization. What are the insights that have already begun to emerge that point towards a future of new types of collaboration, organisation and leadership? Here are a few commandments.

Congrats! Agility is now implemented

Many companies have been talking about agility for several years as a prerequisite for managing in a changing world. During the corona crisis, everyone has been ready to adapt to a completely new situation with new routines almost from day to day. If it can be done on the basis of decisions made by our government, then I suppose it can also be done on the basis of decisions made by the management of a company. Transformation is possible in a very short time, as long as the purpose and communication are clear.

Honest talk about problems and room for hope

The rapid transformations and adjustments take place on the basis that the leaders around us clearly and honestly tell us what problems the company faces, as well as what potentials exist if we do well on the other side. There are honest and cash stories about the burning platform. And it tells us deeply and energetically about the strengths we have that can bring us to the other side together. Both honesty and hope build trust in management and desire to engage and take responsibility for shared solutions. We know from analyses of result-creating leadership and positive psychology research that both open and honest conversations about problems and constructive and future-oriented dialogues about solutions are the cocktail that creates the strongest dynamics in an organization, whether it is in crisis or in the midst of success. If you want to delve deeper into the many aspects of this balance, you can read more in the book Strength-Based Leadership (Hippe Brun, Cooperrider & Ejsing, Dansk Psykologisk Forlag, 2019).

Decisions close to the core task in the local context

Many of the leaders we have spoken to in recent weeks report that both managers and employees have taken a huge responsibility to make everyday life work during the crisis. Didn't they used to take responsibility, one is tempted to ask? Yes and no! Responsibility has always been taken in Danish companies. At the same time, for years we have heard both managers and employees thirst for opportunities to take greater responsibility for making real decisions right close to their own core task. Many consultants and managers have been preoccupied with devolution management and new forms of organisation, but this has often remained the talk. Many leaders have found it difficult to take the final and decisive step, which is to cede real power. Empowerment is not enough! It is lending power which can be taken home again. In this crisis, there has been an urgent need to give decision-making power and responsibility to the individual on a whole new level. As stated in the Stock Exchange on 2 April by Thomas Videbæk, Head of Operations at Novozymes: “Increased delegation as a management tool is also something we are taking with us from the crisis. Solutions have been found regionally that we would never have come up with from a central position ourselves.”. Solutions and decisions are made locally, where the context is best known. Let's hope it gets to stay there.

Increased Dialogue Creates Confidence and Power of Action

Another important learning, which is beginning to show in this day and age, is the importance of dialogue in earnest has dawned on many leaders. As the former top SAS chief, Jan Carlzon, has been quoted as saying, so people who have information cannot avoid taking responsibility. Many report that they experience increased dialogue due to the urgent need for coordination across the organization. In the dialogue, stronger trust arises and the positive intentions of the other shine through better. Confidence in each other's positive intentions is the raw material that makes us all want to give it an extra roach. And the strengthened dialogue enables us to act in a coordinated manner and make wise choices and priorities in daily life. The feeling of being in a community of destiny strengthens the common traction. Especially when it is not only the burning platform that is being talked about, but also the burning desires to realize the company's strategy and business focus with strengthened vigor after the corona crisis.

More intense and effective meetings

Many also talk about greater intensity at the meetings, because now it is about something important. So it didn't before? No, many meetings had become routine and meeting management an underrated discipline. At this time, meeting agendas are formulated more clearly and only the most important topics are discussed. Meetings are carefully and tightly managed. The discipline at the meetings is perceived as higher. Many leaders will be able to increase the intensity of their meetings even after the crisis by having a significantly greater focus on the content and form of the meetings, as well as their own meeting management.

Stakeholders and customers are in the space

With the virtual meeting tools, remote people can be invited into the meeting room more easily. A colleague in the same city is in this time of corona at the same distance from you, as your colleague in China or the United States. In the future, this will probably increase our awareness that it is no problem to invite even the most remote customers, colleagues or stakeholders to a quick meeting where we have to coordinate an important step. It is more effective than holding a meeting with the local gang, and then sending a series of emails to the distant ones afterwards. It is still very important to meet face to face. Hopefully it will never go out of style. But we've all become more comfortable convening a quick virtual meeting, even if we're not in the same building.

Switching between work and home

Many cite the missing of colleagues, as some of the most difficult in this time. At the same time, many people who usually sit in the office say that they work incredibly efficiently at home. Modern office environments do not invite contemplation, reading and writing. They lend themselves to conversation, sparring and exchange of ideas. The home as a workplace potentially offers tranquility and focus. Don't we want to use the coronavirus crisis to question whether so many of us absolutely have to show up at work between 8 and 9 and drive home between 15 and 17? Do we even have to come in every day? It would also create big gains for the climate. And it would alleviate the problem of congestion on the roads in the same jolt.

Leadership Sprouts and Grows Everywhere

In times of crisis, there are always some people who hide, while others step forward and take leadership. Many people we talk to talk about inspiring leadership in both managers and employees. People who make an extra effort, make things happen, or support colleagues with encouraging comments. There are some patterns in what is perceived as inspirational leadership in this day and age. Leadership is when you can talk openly and honestly about the issues and give clear feedback. Leadership is when conversations about problems and frustrations are respectfully pivoted over toward conversations about solutions and action. Leadership is when there is room to both support each other and make demands at the same time. Leadership is when a clear direction is laid out and objections and other angles are listened to at the same time. Leadership is about seeing both the very big purpose of what we do, while noticing and recognizing the efforts and positive intentions of each individual, no matter how pressured you are.

The corona crisis is severe, and will have financial and personal consequences for many people. It will take time, but most will rise again. And when that happens, it may be that there is a renewed look at collaboration and leadership that benefits us all.


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