Haldor Topsoe

Strategic communication and organization - wide mobilization clear the way for strong visions & purposes

For several years, Topsoe's top management had received indications from employees and managers via measurements, which wanted, among other things, a clearer vision and a clearer direction for the company.

Haldor Topsoe
Customer Contact
Kim Saaby Hedegaard, CEO, Power-to-X
Strategic Management and Communication


Over the course of the years, the top management of Haldor Topsoe received indications through surveys from employees and managers pointing towards a desire for a clearer vision and a well-defined direction for the company. Simultaneously, top management had many debates regarding the company’s great potential in contributing to the green transition globally. The visions and ambitions were present, but they were not visible enough within the organization.


Top management prepared strategic core messages and questions for the organization. They were disseminated and discussed at a series of “Topsoe Voices Summits” in which future changes were communicated as well. Several hundred employees and managers across different countries and business areas got the opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions to the top management, who engaged in a dialogue with the employees regarding potentials as well as challenges.


The ambitious vision of Haldor Topsoe was communicated and adjusted through a direct dialogue with a broad variety of managers and employees. In the subsequent engagement survey, the scores relating to purpose, vision, and a well-defined direction had increased. The inputs from the employees gave rise to many ideas in the minds of top management and HR regarding specific activities and strategic formulations that could be linked to the subsequent strategy realization process.

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