Nordsjællands Hospital

An organization and 3800 employees are being prepared for a new hospital

Resonans has been working closely with the Executive Board for a long time and a clear vision and strategy for the hospital has now been established.

Nordsjællands Hospital
Customer Contact
Bente Ourø Rørth, Hospital Director
Welfare development

Cooperation in a new framework

Before long, a brand new and state-of-the-art Nordsjællands Hospital will be ready. Before moving in, the organization, managers and employees must be developed so that everyone is ready to work and collaborate in new ways in the new framework. Resonance has been working closely with the Executive Board for a long time and a clear vision and strategy for the hospital has now been established.

A visionary and strategic basis for organisational development has also been created, including target images and programme design. Resonans also developed a governance model that puts the clinic and its employees on the floor at the forefront of the necessary development. Together with the Executive Board, the framework for a program office and a training concept for managers to support organizational and managerial development were also created

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